Author Cheryl Schatz

Author Cheryl Schatz

About Cheryl Schatz and this blog:

I live in Nelson, BC, Canada and I have been in an apologetics ministry since 1988 helping people find freedom from the cults. In the spring of 2004 I was challenged by a friend’s comment that women cannot teach the bible to men in a public setting. For two years I researched the Bible’s position on a woman’s freedom to teach the scriptures as well as relevant historical sources that shed light on the hard passages of scripture regarding women in ministry.

My research on this subject resulted in a script that dealt with each hard passage verse by verse. From the script a 4 DVD multi-media teaching series was produced called “Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free?” Since WIM was released in the spring of 2006 I have been contacted by Pastors as well as Christians in all walks of life regarding the effects that this series has had on them. The comments have ranged from thought-provoking to life-changing. A preview video clip of the introduction to the series can be seen at

“Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free?” (WIM) is a very visual way to learn to understand the hard passages of scripture concerning women in ministry. However I felt that it would also be helpful to have an interactive way to answer questions that have arisen from those who have viewed the DVD teaching series. This blog will give readers the ability to see what questions others have asked concerning WIM and the teaching on the hard passages of scripture.

This is also a place where we can have a respectful discussion on the women’s issue even for those who have not seen WIM.

If you have any comments or questions you may post them for others to see or for me to answer. I do expect that you will be courteous and dialogue in a respectful manner.

My web sites are and I can be reached through email at mmoutreach (AT) gmail (DOT) com or use the see the email page.


Cheryl Schatz

MM Outreach

Twitter @CherylSchatz