Introduction to Patriarchy
Thanks to Don Veinot, I was introduced to “Thatmom” and her podcasts. Thatmom has started a series on examining the teachings of patriarchy and patriocentricity within the homeschooling community. Her talk is quite interesting especially regarding her points about “name-calling” where the patriarchs label people who do not agree with them.
Thatmom’s Introduction to Patriarchy is a good introduction to the issue of marriage and how it concerns women in ministry which we will be dealing with once I have finished the posts on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thatmom’s audio on patriarchy starts with the September 7th, 2007 edition.
6 thoughts on “Introduction to Patriarchy”
Dear Cheryl,
grace and peace from God be with you.
Great podcast!
In Jesus,
My take is to interject egalitarianism in any way, whether by leadership first or by marriage first, either is an advance in the Kingdom of God as I see it. And an advance in one place will work to advance it in the other. My pun on this is “Subvert the dominant paradigm!”
Thanks for these great links.
Part III of the series (the second half of the interview with Don Veinot) went online of Friday. It was really insightful.
On Sept 14th, it was interesting to note that Patriarchy really demonstrates a neotribal attitude and a fear-motivated distrust of secular culture. It’s survival oriented. Eisegesis stemming from the patriocentric worldview received honorable mention also.
On the Sept 21st podcast, an interesting concept emerged: whether women (through seeking the illusion of protection in a utopian-like atmosphere or to avoid culpability for the end result of their parental labours) were pushing the agenda more than men.
Of course there was much more. It’s well worth a listen. The next few podcasts will concern specific teachings and some specific books extolling the virtues of patriarchy for women.
Under Much Grace,
Thanks for the update! I have been so busy this last week that I haven’t had a chance to catch up on the audio. I will be sure to download the audio.
Don Veinot really helped me. Lorri from MMOUTREACH put me in contact with him as we are from the same state IL. and not to far away from each other! Great interview, wow!
It’s amazing how we all find each other on the net! The spirit of truth is truely guide us!